Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thing #12: Creating Community Through Commenting

These readings brought up ideas about blogging that I had never thought about. I especially appreciate Vicki A Davis' comments on her Cool Cat Teacher blog about newbies. Being one myself, it is sometimes hard for me to believe that I might actually have something to say that could be useful to others. She makes the statement, "If the 'experts that be' listen to newbies they can learn valuable information that will help answer the questions of beginners." I tend to be a lurker rather than a contributor most times, so Vicki's blog has inspired me to speak up more often.

Although there are lots of discussions on the subject of commenting, I particularly like what Meredith Farkas says: "Lots of people hold on tightly to what they know and don’t give it out unless someone’s paying. I believe strongly that my willingness to share has been a driving force in my professional success." To me that statement sums up what blogging is all about. It's nice to be able to share ideas freely.

I have posted comments on five Library2Play blogs that captured my interest for one reason or another: Book Diva (love her background), Ginny's Blog, Techbrarian Talk, Farmgirl Librarian, and Library Larks. Some of these are in my school district, one is in my part of the state, and a couple just caught my eye because of the blog name and content.


  1. i think this freedom to share and the willingness to share is a key component with all of this ....there is too much for one person to know...and how much better when we can share way outside our physical circle...as we are doing with this program.

  2. I like your statement, VWB, that there is too much for one person to know. This is a great program for expanding our knowledge of Web 2.0.
